
How to beat level 4 on angry birds friends halloween mania week level 4 2017
How to beat level 4 on angry birds friends halloween mania week level 4 2017

how to beat level 4 on angry birds friends halloween mania week level 4 2017

Scroll all the way to the right, if you scroll beyond the last level selection screen you’ll see an egg. Golden Egg #14: Open up the Episode guide for Danger Above. Golden Egg #13: Visit 6-14 Use a Boomerang Bird to loop around the treehouse and hit the balloon under it. Golden Egg #12: Visit 4-7 The egg is on the right hand side cliff, hit it with a Yellow Bird. Golden Egg #11: Visit 5-19 Fire a bird at the Golden Egg suspended above the rocket ship. Golden Egg #10: Get 144 stars in Ham ‘Em High. Golden Egg #9: Get 135 stars in The Big Setup. Golden Egg #8: Get 135 stars in Danger Above. Golden Egg #7: Get 126 stars in Mighty Hoax. Golden Egg #6: Get 189 stars in Poached Eggs. Golden Egg #5: Open the credits screen, scroll down, and tape on the Golden Egg at the bottom. Golden Egg #4: Tap the treasure chest in 1-8 until it pops open. On the help screen for the White Bird you’ll see it shooting out a Golden Egg instead of a white one. Golden Egg #3: After you unlock the White Bird in 2-14, go the game’s help menu and tap the check mark four times. Golden Egg #2: Destroy the beach ball in level 2-2. Golden Egg #1: Tap the sun located on the Episode selection screen until the Egg pops up. Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 11-15

how to beat level 4 on angry birds friends halloween mania week level 4 2017

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 6-10 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 1-5 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 16-21 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 11-15 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 6-10

how to beat level 4 on angry birds friends halloween mania week level 4 2017

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 1-5 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 1 Levels 11-15 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 1 Levels 6-10 Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 1 Levels 1-5 The three themes of Episode 1 takes place on a series of plains with each theme representing morning, noon, and sunset. The big challenge in the first themes within Episode 1 of Angry Birds isn’t finishing the levels, it’s finishing them with three stars. It all seems innocent enough-blue skies, some easy challenges to ramp you up to the later obstacles you’ll face, pigs that are apparently just waiting for avian-death to visit them. Episode 1 - Poached Eggs: Learning the Ropes

How to beat level 4 on angry birds friends halloween mania week level 4 2017